
Easibuild is simplicity

Easibuild is incredibly easy to use. 

Most Easibuild Web sites are administered by client staff with absolutely no technical experience.

No training is required, although we provide unlimited support absolutely free-of-charge.  

We're that confident.

Easibuild features a wide range of in-built templates which automatically format your information to look great on a wide variety of devices.

For examples check out Silverink.

The CMS allows you to create unlimited pages at the click of a button. Hide & password-protect sections with ease.  Over-ride hierarchical Search Engine Optimisation data on a granular basis if you wish.

You can also upload any number of files & even manipulate images, all directly within Easibuild.

Finally, Easibuild will manage all your contacts & marketing information, so you can send great-looking email campaigns & drive traffic back to the site at the click of a button.



  • Iconic hub of Northern Ireland's active athletics community
  • Twitter feed, Events & competition Results & Latest News all updated daily 
  • Results published in categorized, ajax-searchable directory
  • Advertisement Manager controls placement of 3rd-party ads
  • Flickr gallery integration 


Athletics NI remains one of our most active sites, with a committed and active visitor base racking-up tens of millions of hits each year.

The Fixtures & Results pages are particularly popular: this site really is the hub for a huge number of sports fans from Northern Ireland and beyond.

In addition to updating events, results, news articles & other information across the site every day with Easibuild, Athletics NI staff stream Twitter updates directly to the Home page.

Using the Advertisement Manager, ANI staff control the placement & monetization of on-site advertisements.  This gives them very direct control over layout & pages upon which specific ads can appear, and how often they do so - all without cutting-in a third-party advertising broker.

Finally, when ANI staff update their Flickr gallery, they're also automatically updating their Easibuild Web site, bringing this active community full-circle and helping driving return traffic.